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Top Ten Tuesday: Best Comic Video Games

top 10 tuesday

If there’s one thing nerds love it’s when their mutual love of comic books and video games collide.  But if there’s one thing nerds hate it’s when said collision crashes and burns.  So let’s ignore those games (cough…  we’re looking at you, Superman 64) and focus on the good times.

Here are my top ten:


1. Batman: Arkham series

2. X-Men Legends & X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse

3. The Darkness & The Darkness II

4. X-Men: The Mutant Apocalypse

5. Batman: Vengeance

6. Spider-Man & Venom: Maximum Carnage

7. Injustice: Gods Among Us

8. The Punisher

9. Marvel: Ultimate Alliance

10. Justice League: Heroes


So there they are.  Agree?  Disagree?  Too bad.  You’ll have to join us this weekend and have your own voice heard in Stir the Pot Saturday.  See you there!

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