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Top Ten Tuesday: Best Comic Book Resurrections

top 10 tuesday

Welcome back to a brand new Top Ten Tuesday!  This week, we’re going to go into the revolving door of the afterlife that has become somewhat of a joke (or is it a staple?  tradition maybe?) in the comic book world…  Resurrections of beloved (and not-so beloved) characters.  I’m hopeful that the pages of Batman and Robin will do Damian Wayne’s return justice because sadly, it might not.  But sometimes it works.  And these are those times.

1. The Winter Soldier (Bucky Barnes)

2. Red Hood (Jason Todd, formerly Robin)

3. Superman

4. Batman

5. Green Arrow (Oliver Queen)

6. Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)

7. Colossus

8. Nightcrawler

9. Green Goblin (Norman Osborn)

10. Elektra

Green Goblin Norman Osborn

So there they are.  Agree?  Disagree?  Discuss below and come back next week for the flip side…  You know, the ones that came back in such a convoluted, ridiculous, absolutely ANGERING way that they must be put up on display.  See you then!

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