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Stir the Pot Saturday: Week 40

Week 40 Picture 1

Welcome back, everyone! Just a quick reminder of what our goal for each and every Saturday is: Stirring the pot is the act of causing trouble for the sake of your own amusement. So we here at Comic Booked would like to formally invite you to discuss, debate, and start some shit talkin’ about the characters, the creators, and the storylines given to us from the industry we all know and love, hate, and love to hate. So let’s quit wasting time and start the mud (or web) slinging!


This Saturday’s question: Will digital ever replace physical comics?

Week 40 Picture 2

So go forth and debate! But be sure to back up your responses. Don’t be scared. And don’t give up. After all, no one likes a quitter. And you’re not a quitter, are you?

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Comments (2)


Real comics have so many things to offer that digital 'comics' don't not the least of which is you can't take a digital 'comic' to a convention and get it signed.

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