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movie a day

On the twelfth day of Samhain my Boo! Love gave to me…Starry Eyes which was ama-azing. Now go back and read that to the tune of the Twelve Days of Christmas and the wit will have landed! Now, Starry Eyes has been popping up on my Netflix suggestions for awhile now, and for some reason I avoided it. Part of it was assuredly that the preview art made it look like just another possession flick, MV5BNTY1ODUyODIxOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMDcyMjE0MzE@._V1_SX214_AL_and, like ghost movies, possession has become so common as to be boring. At this point I lump ghosts, possession, most vampires, and zombies in the same grey box labeled “Don’t up unless in desperate need of cliché”

I was very wrong. For the entire first half of the movie, I wasn’t exactly sure what path the narrative would take. It both seemed to be taking steps towards a supernatural cult movie, and making a statement as to the horrors of how cut throat Hollywood is for people just starting out. I was enjoying the fusion so much, I found myself getting anxious that the movie was going to step into the it-was-all-in-their-head cliché ending. Luckily, the movie ended exactly in the lane it should have and I found myself smiling through most of it. With the exception of the final kill in the movie, which was a little confusing and probably needs to be explained by “magic” this movie was excellent through and through.

Scare-o-Meter score: 4.5 out of 5

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