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E3 Coverage – Tomb Raider: Rise of the Tomb Raider

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Tomb Raider: Rise of the Tomb Raider

For those of you who have been keeping track of landmark games over the last few years couldn’t possibly have missed the relaunch of Eidos’ old series, Tomb Raider. This series, which also spawned a comic, like many others getting a hard relaunch, actually gives you the violent origin that creates everyone’s favorite femme fatale adventurer, Lara Croft. While most would have crumbled under the brutal punishment, vile sights, and constant threats that Ms. Croft faced during her shipwreck trials in the first game, that is apparently not the case. Here is what Lara’s psychiatrist has to say.

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There are quite a few things I took from this trailer and most of them were exciting. First, the bow is still in play. The old series had the acrobatic adventurer’s iconic weapons as a set of pistols. The new direction for the silent and deadly weapon was a big hit and a lot of fun, and I hope to see it expanded on. The scene where she uses it shows her moving stealthily to drop an enemy. If that means that the game will have a stronger stealth action feel to it, that is fine by me.

Second, it already looks like she will be submitting herself to even more punishment. I’m not sure if this is becoming a theme to the series, a way to prove that she is tough as nails, but the visceral nature of it really lends itself to the gameplay.

Finally, her particular PTSD is a kind of addiction to the high stakes feel of raiding those tombs. If this is drawn into the games narrative, I’d be hard pressed to not play it in a marathon to see it. My favorite part of the trailer is the very end. For a long term fan of the game, her seizing the reins and stepping into her role as the Tomb Raider is the single most exciting thing about this title.

I simply can’t wait.

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