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E3 Coverage – Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain


Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

Holy. Crap.

The first few seconds of this trailer are so beautiful, you can understand why the FOX engine is being talked about in awed tones. Look at it!

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Now that the stunning beauty of the trailer is wearing off lets get into the meat of this trailer. First off, if you played Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes you saw what happened to Motherbase and the army Big Boss had painstakingly built. The somber and desolate tone of this trailer is really touching and powerful, which I’d expect from producer Hideo Kojima.

The new look, with the knot in his hair, is pretty excellent. That said, the battered hero looks more grizzled than ever. As we watch, we see a an army divided, and a lot of violence and torture, which seem to be both a mechanic in the game, and the backlash of the desperation that has become a theme.

If I am not mistaken, series staple Revolver Ocelot will be making an appearance, as it looks like he is training soldiers to shoot from the hip. A large part of the objective of the game seems to be getting revenge. I come to this conclusion because the Diamond Dogs are a group of soldiers who carry their dead comrades, turned into diamonds, into battle.

Portions of the team also seem to be splintered with what looks like the Ocelot character torturing Otacon’s father. Making repeated appearances in the trailer is also the knife, which is either a big mechanic, or something symbolic that Hideo is keeping underwraps until the game releases.

There is a highly acrobatic ninja female of which I have no idea who it is, but no Metal Gear game would be complete without one. Quite possibly the most shocking thing, however is the violence at the end of the trailer. Sure, there is blood and such in the previous games, but the FOX engine makes the cinematic gore something to shock even the most hardened gamer. I was impressed.

Finally, I couldn’t be happier with the new choice for Snake’s voice; Keifer Sutherland.  I bring this up because his final line is delivered with a gravity that deserves to be noted.

“I won’t scatter your sorrow to the heartless sea.  I will always be with you.”

Art. Plain and simple.

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